Publication list

Dr.Thanet Laorob

Department of Chemistry

Comparative effectiveness of nitro dihydrocapsaicin, new synthetic derivative capsaicinoid, and capsaicin in alleviating oxidative stress and inflammation on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated corneal epithelial cells
T Laorob, J Ngoenkam, A Nuiyen, P Thitiwuthikiat, D Pejchang, ... | Experimental Eye Research, 109950, 2024.
Nitro Capsaicin Suppressed Microglial Activation and TNF-α-Induced Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cell Damage
S Jamornwan, T Chokpanuwat, K Uppakara, T Laorob, U Wichai, ... | Biomedicines 10 (11), 2680, 2022.
3Beneficial effects of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin on endothelial inflammation, nitric oxide production and antioxidant activity
S Thongin, T Den-Udom, K Uppakara, T Sriwantana, N Sibmooh, ... | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 154, 113521, 2022.
Nitro Dihydrocapsaicin, a Non-Pungent Capsaicin Analogue, Inhibits Cellular Senescence of Lens Epithelial Cells via Upregulation of SIRT1
P Paensuwan, T Laorob, J Ngoenkam, U Wichai, S Pongcharoen | International journal of molecular sciences 23 (22), 13960, 2022.
5Enhancement of lipolysis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by nitroarene capsaicinoid analogs
T Laolob, N Bunyapraphatsara, N Waranuch, S Pongcharoen, W Punyain, ... | Natural Product Communications 16 (1), 1934578X20987949, 2021.
Antimicrobial, antimalarial and anticholinesterase substances from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus BCC51799
N Bunbamrung, C Intaraudom, A Dramae, S Komwijit, T Laorob, ... | Tetrahedron 76 (41), 131496, 2020.