Publication list

Dr.Supatcharee Tanasarnpaiboon

Department of Biology

Teaching Python programming for bioinformatics with Jupyter notebook in the Post-COVID-19 era
YM Gupta, SN Kirana, S Homchan, S Tanasarnpaiboon | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 51 (5), 537-539, 2023.
Development of microsatellite markers for the house cricket, acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
YM Gupta, S Tanasarnpaiboon, K Buddhachat, S Peyachoknagul, ... | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (9), 2020.
3Gaur (Bos gaurus) abundance, distribution, and habitat use patterns in Kuiburi National Park, Southwestern Thailand
S Tanasarnpaiboon | The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016.
4Wild elephant counting weeks in the King’s project area, kui buri national park, southwestern Thailand
M Srikrachang, S Kiatprajak, T Bidayabha, S Tanasarnpaiboon, ... | Gajah 31, 32-35, 2009.
5Relationships Among Habitat Quality, Home Range Size and Group Size in the Puff-Throated Bulbul (Alophoixus Pallidus) at Mo-Singto, Khao Yai National Park
S Tanasarnpaiboon | Mahidol University, 2008.