Publication list

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Amporn Wiengmoon

Department of Physics

Erosion–Corrosion Behavior of As-cast and Destabilized High Chromium Cast Irons with Mo and W Addition
K Ruangchai, R Tongsri, JTH Pearce, T Chairuangsri, N Tareelap, ... | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-17, 2024.
Electron microscopy of carbides in annealed 28 wt% Cr - 1 wt% (Mo/W) cast irons
K Ruangchai, R Tongsri, JTH Pearce, T Chairuangsri, S Nusen, H Kurata, ... | Materials Characterization 198, 112723, 2023.
Effect of isothermal heat treatment on microstructureãnd wear behavior of pearlitic rail steel
N Tosangthuma, R Krataitonga, R Tongsria, A Wiengmoonb | structure 11, 12, 2023.
Identification of Carbides and Phase Transformations in Sintered Fe-Mo-Mn-C Alloys Produced under a Slow Continuous Cooling
W Srijampan, A Wiengmoon, A Wanalerkngam, S Boonmee, T Yotkaew, ... | ISIJ International 62 (11), 2366-2373, 2022.
Effects of silicon carbide contents on the microstructure of sintered steels
W Srijampan, A Wiengmoon, P Nakornkaew, T Patcharawit, T Yotkaew, ... | ScienceAsia 47, 2021.
Ferrite and Carbide Mixtures in Sintered Hyper-Eutectoid Fe-xMo-0.90C Alloys
W Srijampan, A Wiengmoon, A Wanalerkngam, S Boonmee, T Yotkaew, ... | Integrated Ferroelectrics 223 (1), 46-57, 2021.
7Phase transformation and mechanical properties of sintered Fe-Mo-Si-C-(Cu) alloys
M Morakotjinda, K Ruangchai, B Vetayanugul, R Krataitong, ... | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1137 (1), 012037, 2021.
Effects of annealing treatment on microstructure and hardness in the 28 wt% Cr cast iron with Mo/W addition
K Ruangchai, R Tongsri, JTH PEARCE, T Chairuangsri, A Wiengmoon | Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals 31 (2), 89-95, 2021.
Electron microscopy study of carbides precipitated during destabilization and tempering heat treatments of 25 wt.%Cr-0.7 wt.%Mo high chromium cast irons
A Wiengmoon, JTH Pearce, S Nusen, T Chairuangsri | Micron 143, 103025, 2021.
Effect of pre-annealing heat treatment on destabilization behavior of 28 wt. % Cr-2.6 wt. % C high-chromium cast iron
A Wiengmoon, J Khantee, JTH Pearce, T Chairuangsri | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 474 (1), 012041, 2019.