Assoc. Prof. Dr.Aek Jantayod
Department of Physics
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1 | Crystallographic rotation effect on the particle and spin across a half metal/semiconductor junction with Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction A Siripanadorn, T Onsri, A Jantayod | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2653 (1), 012051, 2023. |
2 | ความ ต้านทาน ทาง แม่เหล็ก จาก การ ทะลุ ผ่าน ของ ส ปิ น ของ โครงสร้าง ผสม โลหะ/ฉนวน แบบ เฟอร์ โร แมก เนติ ก/เฟอร์ โร แมก เนติ ก W Wongwai, A Jantayod | PSRU Journal of Science and Technology 6 (3), 45-59, 2021. |
3 | Resistive switching in diamondoid thin films MFSWM A. Jantayod, D. Doonyapisut , T. Eknapakul | Scientifc Reports 10, 19009, 2020. |
4 | Tight binding calculation of tunneling conductance of a metal/ferromagnetic junction A Jantayod | Physica B: Condensed Matter 525, 7-11, 2017. |
5 | Tunneling conductance of a metal/two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling junction within a lattice model A Jantayod, P Pairor | Superlattices and Microstructures 88, 541-550, 2015. |
6 | Impact of interfacial scattering on the spin polarization of a metal/semiconductor/metal with Rashba spin-orbit coupling junction A Ka-oey, A Jantayod, P Pairor | Physica B: Condensed Matter 458, 103-106, 2015. |
7 | Charge conductance and spin-polarized current across a metal/cubic semiconductor with Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling junction A Jantayod | Superlattices and Microstructures 64, 78-87, 2013. |
8 | Charge and spin transport across two-dimensional non-centrosymmetric semiconductor/metal interface A Jantayod, P Pairor | Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 48, 111-117, 2013. |
9 | Particle and spin transport of rashba spin-orbit coupling system in a lattice and a continuous model J Aek | School of Physics Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology, 2011. |
10 | Unconventional Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling on the Charge Conductance and Spin Polarization of a Ferromagnetic/Insulator/Ferromagnetic Rashba Metal Junction N/A | N/A |
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 entries