Assoc. Prof. Dr.Jaru Jutimoosik
Department of Physics
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1 | Probing the Local Structure of CuO-Doped (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.90Zr0.10)O3 Ceramics with XANES Spectroscopy Technique J Jutimoosik, S Yotthuan, P Kidkhunthod, T Bongkarn | Integrated Ferroelectrics 239 (1), 120-125, 2023. |
2 | Effect of Fe2O3 Doping on Phase Formation, Microstructure, Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of BNT-BKT-KNN Ceramics Prepared by the Solid-State … T Sinkruason, P Thawong, S Yotthuan, N Nuntawong, S Pinitsoontorn, ... | Integrated Ferroelectrics 223 (1), 196-205, 2021. |
3 | Crystal structure and XANES study of Fe-substituted Barium Titanate ceramics prepared by conventional solid-state technique J Padchasri, N Triamnak, T Sareein, J Jutimoosik, S Tongsaeng, ... | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 188, 109657, 2021. |
4 | Phase Formation, Morphology and Magnetic Properties of PbTiO3–Fe2O3 Heterostructure Ceramics J Jutimoosik, P Jantaratana, R Yimnirun, A Prasatkhetragarn | Integrated Ferroelectrics 214 (1), 19-26, 2021. |
5 | Local structure and cation distribution analysis of Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 powders by X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure spectroscopy J Jutimoosik, P Kidkhunthod, T Bongkarn, R Yimnirun | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 188, 109628, 2021. |
6 | Comparison of structural, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties between A-site and B-site acceptor doped 0.93 Bi0. 5Na0. 5TiO3-0.07 BaTiO3 lead-free piezoceramics S Prasertpalichat, S Khengkhatkan, T Siritanon, J Jutimoosik, ... | Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (7), 4116-4128, 2021. |
7 | Identification of barium-site substitution of BiFeO3–Bi0. 5K0. 5TiO3 multiferroic ceramics: X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy A Prasatkhetragarn, J Jutimoosik, P Jantaratana, P Kidkhunthod, ... | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 170, 108621, 2020. |
8 | Investigations of fine-paste ware production and exchange in maritime Southeast Asia by electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray absorption C Sirisathitkul, J Jutimoosik, S Abbasi, W Noonsuk | Processing and Application of Ceramics 13 (3), 250-256, 2019. |
9 | Influence of calcination temperature on phase formation and local structure of Co0.6Zn0.4Fe1.6Cr0.4O4 nanoparticles J Jutimoosik, P Kidkhunthod, T Bongkarn, R Yimnirun | Ferroelectrics 552 (1), 177-185, 2019. |
10 | Effect of temperature on local structure of Pb(Zr0.58Ti0.42)O3 single crystal R Tharamas, J Padchasri, J Jutimoosik, A Bootchanont, P Kidkhunthod, ... | Ferroelectrics 552 (1), 186-191, 2019. |
Showing 1 - 10 of 53 entries