Asst. Prof. Dr.Sutasinee Jitanan
Department of CSIT
ID | |
1 | QUALITY GRADING OF CROWN FLOWERS USING CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK OU Pramote, S Khruahong, S Jitanan, X Kong | ICIC Express Letters 17 (02), 143-152, 2023. |
2 | เว็บไซต์ และ วิดีโอ เทคโนโลยี ความ จริง เสมือน เพื่อ การ เรียน รู้ COVID-19 M Sidajan, S Jitanan | Science Technology and Innovation Journal 3 (2), 20-32, 2022. |
3 | The Development of" Friend from Heart" Application Based on Line System to Promote Well-Being of Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University. M Jitanan, V Somanandana, S Jitanan, U Lalitpasan, S Kham-in | Higher Education Studies 11 (2), 215-223, 2021. |
4 | Image-based lime size grading using the comparison ratio of the pixel radius and the actual size of lime fruit SJ Pawat Chimlek | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 24 (1 …, 2021. |
5 | Quality grading of soybean seeds using image analysis S Jitanan, P Chimlek | Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng 9 (5), 3495-3503, 2019. |
6 | The selection of useful visual words for class-imbalanced data in image classification S Chimlek, P Pramokchon, P Piamsa-Nga | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 6 (1), 307, 2016. |
7 | Incremental Tag Suggestion for Landmark Image Collections. S Chimlek, P Piamsa-Nga | International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 6 (1), 2016. |
8 | Landmark image searching with inattentive salient regions S Chimlek, P Piamsa-nga | 2014 International Conference on Information Science & Applications (ICISA), 1-4, 2014. |
9 | Visual content representation using semantically similar visual words K Kesorn, S Chimlek, S Poslad, P Piamsa-Nga | Expert Systems with Applications 38 (9), 11472-11481, 2011. |
10 | Semantically similar visual words discovery to facilitate visual invariance S Chimlek, K Kesorn, P Piamsa-Nga, S Poslad | 2010 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1242-1247, 2010. |
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 entries